Holiday Week Erotic Domme story

I’ve really been working over one of My slaves this week. He kept whining about not having enough time to get ready for Thanksgiving. “That’s tough shit,” I thought to myself. This is MY holiday, and I’m going to get My jollies from it!
I told him I’d expose him unless he did some meaningless, time-wasting things for hours on end. All week, he kept complaining that he couldn’t sleep at night because I fucked over his mind so badly. He even whined about having leg cramps that kept him awake. And his e-mails about this were so funny, I almost pissed in My panties!
But did you think I’d let HIM know that? Not a chance! The more he moaned, the more tasks I made him do. Finally, on Thanksgiving Eve, he finished everything I commanded. He showed Me the evidence. And I had to admit that I was satisfied with his … um … “performance,” if you want to call it that.
I can be mean, but I’m not THAT mean. So I was thinking about congratulating him for surviving the week. And then I thought, “Noooooooo.” I sent him an e-mail with just four words:
“You owe Me something.”

I assumed he might fork over a few more bucks from his account. Everyone knows how much I LOVE money. And My slaves know I can spend their cash better than they ever could. Their $$$ has a better home with Me.

Their little dickies explode when they send Me their hard-earned cash, because they know how much their Mistress DESERVES the finest things in life — things these wimps could never dream of, such as fancy dinners & hotel rooms, ass-bumping nights on the dance floor with My Lovers, trips to Las Vegas, My never-ending Beauty requirements — all the necessities a Goddess needs to SHINE and properly rule over Her thousands of slaves.

So with Black Friday coming up, I eagerly anticipated the $$$ My slave wound send Me. But instead, My heart sank — and My temper burst into flames — when I saw how he replied. And what he did tell Me? Nothing. NOT A FUCKIN’ THING!!!

Oh, he did write something. But I wasn’t about to figure out what it was — not with a houseful of family around Me for the holiday.

I’ll tell you, it was the worst Thanksgiving of My life. A slow steam of anger kept trickling out of my head while my parents, cousins, siblings and others kept asking Me what was wrong. I couldn’t even enjoy the football games — which I normally LOVE as My best slaves would know. Yessss, I was THAT angry.

And then on Thanksgiving Night … after the turkey was gobbled up and the relatives went back home … I made My favorite drink, sat down at the computer, and read My slave’s e-mail one more time. It had an Internet address, a username and a password. There was nothing else. No explanation, no nothing.

So I logged onto the address. It was the home page for a credit card company. I was confused. I couldn’t figure out why he would give Me that. After a couple minutes, I spotted a log-in box. So I entered the username and password — and when I saw what came up next, I almost passed out.

It was his online account for his credit card! No shit! THIS IDIOT GAVE ME HIS FUCKIN’ CREDIT CARD!!!!! And ohhhhhh, did I have fun snooping around his account files!

In just a few minutes, I found his card number, his balance, his interest rates, and lists of everything he had bought over the previous six months. The card was almost maxed out, but there were still a few hundred dollars available.
“Mmmmmmm,” I thought to Myself as I started to lick My lips. “Black Friday is gonna be the fuckin’ BEST Friday I’ve ever had! I cannot wait to go online and start raking this guy. And then I’ll do it again on Cyber Monday!!!” Flowers, intimate wear, treats for My Lovers, everything I’ve wanted — and it’s all gonna go on his January bill!

This poor slave has NO idea what he’s in for. Otherwise, he would have never answered the e-mail I sent him late Thanksgiving night.
I simply wrote:
“Gimme your 3-digit security code. It’s on the back of the card, but you probably know that already.”

I swear, it wasn’t 10 seconds before those three lovely digits were in My grubby little fingers. I’ll bet he spent Thanksgiving night alone, jerking and jerking and cumming to the thought of what I’d do with his … whoops, MY credit card.
That’s right. We might be doing this in cyberspace, but that piece of plastic belongs to ME now! And I can’t wait to “load it up” to fulfill nobody’s desires but MINE! My husband will shake when he sees the shiny expensive nighties I start wearing to bed. And he can never touch them! That’s the job of My well-hung “Fuck Buddies” — and hubby’s weenie is so small, he can never be one of those!
No, My husband’s role is to serve Me and pay Me … just like My finest slaves, only in person. My Lovers are the only ones with carte blanche authority to touch Me. Oooooo, and they’ll LOVE the new intimate wear that My slave will HAPPILY pay for.
Well, he might not be all that happy. After all, this slave has a high credit limit … most of which he spends on ME, LOL! And when I max My card out, he’ll be hit with quite an increase in his minimum monthly payment.
I can hear it now. He’ll whine, moan, and accuse Me of taking unfair advantage. NO SHIT SHERLOCK … Isn’t that what a Mistress is SUPPOSED to do???

But like I said, I cannot be that mean. So I’ll make him pay the first bill. And then I’ll remind him that he can back out of this deal at any time, just by changing his username & password. Call it a “safety valve.”

In the meantime, he’ll jerk his dick until it falls off, and he’ll cum by the gallon until his balls shrivel up like a dead prune. It will be THAT exciting for him to see some of My sexy, exotic, expensive purchases on his credit card bill. And once we settle into a routine, I’ll bet that he won’t say a word for at least several months. He’ll only be too happy to help pay for My lavish, Queenly lifestyle — and he’ll tell me he’s “honored” to make a real difference in My Superior being.

But over time, the novelty will wear off. He’ll get depressed when he doesn’t see his massive card balance go down. He’ll be upset when he pays those occasional “over the limit” fees when I just can’t control Myself. He’ll get sick of racing to the mailbox every day so his Wife doesn’t see those racy catalogs from the places where I shop. That would put him in extreme trouble, because his Wifey isn’t nearly as extravagant as Me.
Prudence? Frugality? I don’t know the meanings of the words, LOL!!!!

There will cum a time when he’ll want to back out. And believe Me, I’ll be ALLLLLLLL READY for him, he he he.
When his “Day of Reckoning” comes, he’ll learn that he’s not the only one who can change his username and password.   That will be My privilege (wink).  And ooooooh, do I plan to use it (double wink).

I promise you, there will be a time when I will lock him out of his own credit card.  Not just for a day or two — but all of the time! It will be NONE OF HIS BUSINESS what steamy purchases I make until his company sends him the bill. And only then will I allow him to see his online account, for a day or two to give him the chance to pay up.

And he’ll be afraid to use the card himself. Until I let him see the bill, he will have NO idea how much I’m running it up.
He’ll whine and cry some more. And I will remind him again: This is what HE wanted. This is what REAL financial domination is.  I will fully relish whatever I get from him. And whether or not his financial castle collapses, I will know that he will have enjoyed this to the hilt. His little cock will constantly tell him so.

Mmmmmmmm, I cannot wait to get started! Happy Black Friday, boy!!

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