Friday Freebie – My College Flame Part 4
My husband is bi, but Kristen kept calling him gay -- and She winked every time She used the word. With Her power of persuasion, She had hubby describing his…
Holiday Week Erotic Domme story
I've really been working over one of My slaves this week. He kept whining about not having enough time to get ready for Thanksgiving. "That's tough shit," I thought to…
Female Superiority and the need to SERVE!
You hear it all the time. Women think with their minds. Men think with their cocks. That's never been truer than it is today, as more Women take their rightful…
Friday Freebie – My College Flame Part 3
I made sure hubby witnessed Her arrival ... and Lord, did we POUR IT ON! She presented Me with a dozen red roses. And hubby had to hold them while…
My Vast Digital Erotic Downloads will rock your cock
Before I took ownership of your weenie, there were many, many slaves who came before you. They ran away because they couldn't handle Me ... or I just wore out…

C.U.C.K. Part 1: Performance Appraisal
Been a while since you fucked your Wife? Yeah, She knows. She's sending you to a sex clinic where She discovers the horrid truth. Wanna know what it is? Buy…

Brainwashing with the Hypnodomme Mistress Alexandra
You'll LOVE being brainwashed by a Real HypnoDomme ... Me ;) I'm proud to say that I'm a first rate Hypno-Domme! All of My fans who regularly purchase My Erotic…

Friday Freebie – My College Flame Part 2
That was the first time I ever heard about the concept of male foot worship. And as I would learn, new slaves LOVE to suck My toes. If they have…

Need a cock milking good mind fuck?
Milking Machine... I trick you into sitting down... then I strap you in.. I know JUST what your cock & balls need... I am going to have fun and so…